Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sketchbook for December

Intermediate art
Sketchbook Assignment for December 2011

Every month you will be required to do sketchbook assignments. This gives you a chance to practice your art skills; the more you do something the better you become. This month you must complete all of the assignments as they are practice for our current unit. Sketchbooks are worth 15% of your final mark! Please keep them up to date. You can complete these assignments during class time if you are finished early; if you do not finish early they are homework.


Contour means "outline" and is comprised of simple lines that represent the outside edges of objects. Blind Contour is a drawing method that follows specific rules on how to draw the contour lines.


1) Contour is made with a single, continuous line. In blind contour, every line is connected. In other words, the pencil never leaves the paper to start a line somewhere else on the page. If you have to start a line somewhere else on the paper do not lift the pencil, instead trail the pencil on the paper. Blind Contour drawings often have unnecessary lines crossing all over the page.

2) Deformity is okay. In blind contour the artist DOES NOT look at his/her drawing on paper until they are finished. The artist looks only at his/her subject so deformity is bound to happen. This is an exercise in looking and irregularities make the drawing looks more interesting.

3) Use the whole sketchbook page. A common mistake in blind contour is to make the drawing too small; use your hand to feel the edges of your paper to correct the sizing or make the drawing bigger (in your mind) than you think you are drawing it.


You need to make THREE blind contour drawings. You will do each drawing on a separate sketchbook page and the drawing must fill the entire page.

Drawing one:

Do a thirty minute blind contour sketch of an object from your room. Do not take your eyes of your subject! Draw every edge, interior and exterior.


Drawing Two:

Do a thirty minute blind contour sketch of a person or animal. You may use a photograph if needed. Include elements from the surrounding room such the chair they are sitting in or what is behind them.


Drawing three:

Draw a fifteen minute blind contour of a kitchen utensil or appliance.


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