Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November Sketchbook assignments are due on December 15th

Art-Intermediate Art Grade 7/8

Sketchbook Assignment for November 2011

Every month you will be required to do sketchbook assignments. This gives you a chance to practice your art skills; the more you do something the better you become. Some months you will get a choice of assignments, other months you will be required to complete a specific assignment. Sketchbooks are due at the end every month. Sketchbooks are worth 15% of your final mark! Please keep them up to date. You can complete these assignments during class time if you are finished early; if you do not finish early they are homework.

Complete one of the following:

1. Make a DETAILED drawing of your eye and the area around it. Include everything you see when observing closely in clear, even lighting. Your drawing must be realistic, 8”x 10” inches in size and observed from real life or a photo of a real person.

2. Research the elements and parts of a coat of arms and create a coat of arms or crest for your family or organization. Your drawing must fill the full page of your sketchbook and include colour. Please keep in mind that the colours used in a coat of arms have are symbolic and meaningful. The following websites have information on the construction of a coat of arms:

8-1 Homeroom, I will be collecting your assignment from your homeroom.

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